Become a self employed Agent and earn money selling kids luxury toy’s at Trillionaire Kids Club. Work from home, work from your phone and laptop work from our offices .. it’s up to you. We are wholesalers & retailers and an online boutique. We got the products, you make the sales, we continue to update our products and issue a monthly catalogue. Open your eBay and Amazon accounts and start earning. We pay all our agents direct into their bank account a commission of their sale of 10% per item. Example: if you sell an item for £1000 pounds, you take £100 pounds, if you make sales of £1 Million pounds. You take 10%. Transferred to you immediately. Sign up and become a agent, to receive our catalogue and agent’s business card, clothing & 10% discount, please join with paying £50 per month to:


SC: 23-14-70 AC: 61353299 IBAN: GB53 TRWI 2314 7061 3532 99

Team Trillionaire

Trillionaire Kids Club  

Agents joining application form 

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